San Juan Nepomuceno

San Juan Nepomuceno

1:90, Artesania
Pintér György - Múzeumi krimik A 2700 tonnás San Juan Nepomucenot, a Királyi Hajóépítő Üzemben építették Guarnizo-ban (Santander) és 1765-ben bocsátották vízre.
A trafalgári ütközetben is részt vett kiváló teljesítménnyel. Annak ellenére, hogy 1805. október 21-én megfosztotta árbócától Nelson admirális tüzérsége, dicsőséget szerzett a csatában az ünnepelt parancsnok, Don Cosme Damián Churucca vezetése alatt. A sebesült Nelson admirális folytatta a csata irányítását, míg a parancsnok, Churruca, akinek a lábát egy tarackágyú leszakította, folytatta a vezénylést: Tűz! De nem tudta áttörni a 6 ellenséges hajóból álló gyűrűt. A gyűrűbe tartozott többek között a híres Defiance, a Tonnant és a Dreadnought. A San Juan Nepomuceno 400 halottal és sebesülttel a fedélzetén zárta a csatát.

A hajómakett hossza: 96 cm
A hajómakett magassága: 78 cm
A hajómakett szélessége: 40 cm

San Juan Nepomuceno ship model

The San Juan Nepomuceno (2700 tons) was constructed in the Royal Shipyard at Guarnizo (Santander) and launched in 1765. The San Juan Nepomuceno was a solidly built ship of proven saworthy qualities. It’s supply capacity was for 60 days victuals and 80 days water.
It rendered numerous important services to the Armada (Fleet), some of them int he Carribean where it participated in several siegens and was didtinguished in 1779.
The battle of Trafalgar is the historical feat in which it participated and of which we have the best account. In spite of being unmasted by Admiral Nelson’s artillery ont he 21 October 1805, it achieved glory in this battle under the command of the celebratad btigadier Don Cosme Damián Churruca and constituted for the Spaniards a handsome example of zhe heroism of their race and the bravery of their sailors. The wounded Admiral Nelson continued to direckt the battle, while the Brigadier Churruca , whose leg had been torn off by a howitzer, the deck of his ship covered int he blood oh his wounded and dead, continued to voice the command Fire! However, unable to break the circie of fire formad by the six enemy ships, which counted among others with the famous Defiance, Tonnant and Dreadnought, the San Juan Nepomuceno yilded with over 400 dead and injured on board. The English obtained the victory but paid a high price in lives and material.

Ship model's length: 96 cm
Ship model's height: 78 cm
Ship model's width: 40 cm
San Juan Nepomuceno (1)
San Juan Nepomuceno (1)
San Juan Nepomuceno (2)
San Juan Nepomuceno (2)
San Juan Nepomuceno (3)
San Juan Nepomuceno (3)
San Juan Nepomuceno (4)
San Juan Nepomuceno (4)
San Juan Nepomuceno (5)
San Juan Nepomuceno (5)
San Juan Nepomuceno (6)
San Juan Nepomuceno (6)
San Juan Nepomuceno (7)
San Juan Nepomuceno (7)
San Juan Nepomuceno (8)
San Juan Nepomuceno (8)
San Juan Nepomuceno (9)
San Juan Nepomuceno (9)
San Juan Nepomuceno (10)
San Juan Nepomuceno (10)
San Juan Nepomuceno (11)
San Juan Nepomuceno (11)
San Juan Nepomuceno (12)
San Juan Nepomuceno (12)
San Juan Nepomuceno (13)
San Juan Nepomuceno (13)
San Juan Nepomuceno (14)
San Juan Nepomuceno (14)
San Juan Nepomuceno (15)
San Juan Nepomuceno (15)
San Juan Nepomuceno (16)
San Juan Nepomuceno (16)
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